Rescued Patterns

Hey Sewing Enthusiasts!
I sew my own clothes and I love it! Although I love indie sewing patterns, I started sewing years ago with commercial patterns and remember going through the pattern catalogs like someone reading a good book.
Rescued Patterns is here to help find a home to the commercial patterns that I come across, some of which would have been destined to be trashed ("retired" by the pattern companies) or left unused by their former owner. You will find patterns mostly from Simplicity, Vogue, Butterick, McCall's, Burda and Simply Sewing. This is my way of combining my love for sewing with my eco-conscious practices. Making sewing a focus in my business and enabling others to make their own clothes is another way for me to promote a more conscious consumerism.
I hope that you will find a great pattern for your next sewing project! Check out the ways to get in touch below.
Happy sewing!
✨ Follow Rescued Patterns on Instagram
✨ You have extra patterns that you would like to rehome? I would be happy to discuss it with you. Send me an email
✨ Looking for indie sewing patterns, notions and fabrics? It is all here: Sew Not Complicated Atelier de Couture